Event Pro Essentials

With over a decade of experience, here are my Event Pro Essentials - literally and mentally.

Stay Hungry - I giggle over this one. Remember: You’ll never stop learning. There’s always some new style, trick, technology that will transform the industry - so stay open to it. And if you’re lucky enough to have friends at restaurants, or foodies you dine out with - leave room for that extra dish (or just dessert) so you’ll never miss out.

Never be “too proud” or “too good” for a task - You’ll still find me bussing a table, jumping the expo line for a VIP, or folding napkins for the perfect placesetting. That won’t change - nor should it. When you’re “on the ground” with your staff, they respect you for it, pay attention, and learn from you directly!

Do what you love, Outsource what you don’t - When I was able to ‘graduate’ from doing everything myself - that was the moment I knew I was a boss.

  • Bench.co - Oh my gosh if you hate the bookkeeping part of your business, and Quickbooks has you going crazy because there isn’t an actual human on the other end - go to Bench. I’ve gained hours of time, and peace of mind with them handling all of the numbers things.

  • Find a graphic designer you love, who just gets you. And if you can’t - go with Canva.

  • If there’s a menial task on the list like - filling gift bags - sure, you CAN do it - but it doesn’t mean you SHOULD. Is that the best use of your time? Find a friend who’s out of work, or someone who’s looking to make a few extra dollars on the side, they’ll be happy to take it on.

My full Essentials List is in Work Hacks, but most asked for are below:

Got questions? ASK ME!
I’d be happy to answer them, and maybe post my response here. :)